End of the World Cuisine
A cultural and gastronomic journey through the corners of the Earth

Hey guys,
Today I am going to give you an Indian recipe that at first glance may seem a little long, but I can assure you that it is super tasty and I assure you that it is sensational. Traditionally this recipe is made with Panner (see below), and several spices which give an aroma and flavor that will leave your home and your neighbors with mouth water. I hope you do and then tell me what you think. Venture, taste, replace, leave it to your liking, but keep the essence.
PANNER - is an Indian cheese made at home, and roughly it is milk boiled and cut with lemon juice and drained in a mousselina and then cut into cubes. Here I use the ricotta cheese that I think is an incredibly good substitute.
DHABA - roadside places where meals are sold to truck drivers (I assure you that in some of them, the food is wonderful)

8 mashed tomatoes
3 rock onions cut into small cubes (yes I used, but only one)
200 gr diced ricotta
2 tablespoons chopped coriander
3 tablespoons butter
4 cardamom berries (open the berries with the tip of a knife)
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 red peppers (or to taste)
2 tablespoons of oil
1 ½ tablespoon of ginger with garlic paste (I used only ginger)
Modo de fazer:
Aqueça o óleo em uma Wok. Assim que estiver quente adicione a folha de louro, o cardamomo, o cominho em grão e a pimenta vermelha. Frite até que as especiarias comecem a pipocar, adicione a manteiga, a cebola, e na sequência adicione um pouco de sal (ele vai acelerar a fritura da cebola tornando-a marrom), porém, cuide para que não queime.

salt to taste
2 tablespoons red pepper powder (optional)
3 tablespoons fresh or light cream
Way of doing:
Heat a Wok with the oil. As soon as it’s hot, add
bay leaf, cardamom, cumin and pepper
red. Fry a little, add the butter, the onion, and then
a little salt (it will speed up the frying process making the
brown ball) but make sure it doesn't burn.
As soon as you have this color, add the tomato puree
that over medium heat and as soon as it boils, cover the pan and keep stirring from time to time until it is reduced to a very thick puree.
At that point, adjust the salt and add the powdered pepper (if using), and mix for 2 minutes. Add half a glass of water, mix well, add the ricotta cheese and turn off the heat and wait about fifteen minutes for the ricotta cheese to absorb the flavors of the sauces. If you want a less thick sauce, add water little by little until you like it.
Before serving, turn on the heat again, let the water dry, add the cream, wait another 2 minutes and if you like, sprinkle with more cilantro and serve with white rice.
Good night people!!!
As I posted on Facebook in the morning, we will then embark on a passionate journey to India, more precisely in the North region and let ourselves be involved with the colors, textures and flavors of the spices that we will use to make this masala and thus let this perfume come off from our kitchens this weekend. Despite being a typical dish from the north of the country, we can happily find it everywhere. I am going to stick, not now, to a chapter on India and I imagine that you will fall in love, just like me. Well, but now we are not going to lose focus on our plate.

I begin by asking: who has never eaten a chicken in Tandoor with that wonderful dark orange color, reddish and toasted?
Tandoori is the cuisine originating in northern India, more precisely from PUNJAB. The inhabitants of this region, almost all have their own ovens at home, where they prepare chickens and bake their bread (Nam).
This delicacy is made in an oven called Tandoor, and each house, each restaurant has its own oven, where chickens, fish, shrimp and a wide variety of breads are baked, one more delicious than the other. We will see each of them later.
This oven called TANDOOR is made with baked clay in an amphora format. It is partially buried and to use it it is necessary to light the bottom of the oven with ember, which is fed for 2 to 3 hours or until the internal walls become very hot. Only after that, when the ember is incandescent and the flame no longer exists, will it be ready to be used. The material with which it is made and its oval shape, guarantees a uniform temperature throughout the oven. The skewers are held vertically in the oven and the cooking time depends on the type of food, as well as the size. The food baked in this oven, allows to ensure the maximum of vitamins and nutrients to the food.

In addition, and most importantly, Tandoor prevents the formation of carcinogens. Fortunately there are already portable versions of Tandoor, but here in Brazil I don't know, if anyone knows, please let me know, I would love to have one ...
Now are we going to Tandoori Masala ?
Post Published on 17/09/2015
Now, you are certainly wondering ..... but is this a barbecue? Yes, we can say yes, but with an incomparable flavor, the chicken breast when roasted melts in the mouth conserving its moisture ... just experimenting, it is of the Gods, and how many Gods !!!
For this recipe we have two steps, one which is masala , a mixture of spices reduced to powder (recipe that we gave in Post 17/09), in which the chicken will be marinated and then taken to the barbecue (since we do not have Tandoor) or else on a grill on a baking sheet and taken to the oven, and just wait a few minutes for the aromas to begin to unfold and together with them let your imagination run. Let's get the recipe?

We are a family owned and operated business.
1/2 kg of chicken breast cut into cubes
1 lemon juice
salt to season
1 cup of dry curd (or firm yogurt drained in a sieve for 5 hours)
1 tablespoon of Tandoori Masala - see below
1 tablespoon of olive oil
green and red peppers cut into pieces that can be put on a skewer (optional)
onion in petals (optional)
Way of doing:
Season the chicken with salt and lemon juice and leave for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the dry curd, the oil, the Tandoori and mix well with a fork.
With this mixture, wrap the chicken pieces and place in the refrigerator, preferably all night. The next day before roasting, also wrap the peppers and onion petals in the Masala, intercalate on wooden skewers and place on a grill on a baking sheet and bake until it turns golden and the aroma envelops your imagination. on this mind-blowing and pleasurable trip. Enjoy your food!!!
We are a family owned and operated business.
Post posted on 09/18/2015

Good afternoon people
Today we are going to take a wonderful tour and embark for France, more precisely in the city of Menton. First, however, I want to open a parenthesis and explain to you that many, or rather, most of the countries that we will visit, I unfortunately do not know, so what I write is what I read in the research and what I see in the photos, so the that I pass on to you is what I see through the eyes of those who have lived and shared their experiences. For me, reading the impression that others had is also embarking on a journey, even if it is not real, but my imagination can assure you, it vibrates and feels in all my being the beauty, the aromas, the colors and everything that a people can pass us. Maybe someday we may not have our time to live, share and share our own experiences; Is not it? So are we going on this experience together?

The origin of this city and its symbol: the lemon is linked to a legend. It is said that Eve, banished from earthly Paradise with Adam, took a golden fruit with her. Adam fearing Divine wrath asked her to throw the fruit away, but her plea was not heard. After crossing mountains, valleys and plains, they saw the bay of Garavan. The Gulf, the mild climate and the lush vegetation reminded Eva of Paradise. She then buried the fruit in that place and it was exactly there that a small paradise called: MENTON was born.
The legend is very curious, because certainly looking at pictures of the place we realized that we really
it is a beautiful place, in a geographical position where everything favors you. Facing the Mediterranean, in the center of Europe and in the extreme south-east of France, located between the Principality of Monaco and Italy, the city of Menton plunges into the heart of multiple influences.
Thanks to a subtropical climate and with a clear sky all year round, the city goes through the year with virtually no winter, so that locals and tourists can enjoy the beautiful sea and the mountain at the same time. Also known as Paraíso dos Jardins, Menton is a showcase of incomparable architecture. The perfumes, the colors, the stillness and also the diversity of events that happen during the year, make Menton the PEARL OF FRANCE.

In the past, the city lived mainly by planting citrus fruits, but unfortunately over time, this production has decreased and today landowners are now, fortunately, encouraged to replant citrus trees such as lemon trees, orange trees, clementines and other types of citrus. . The Citrus Garden of the Palace of Carnolès, has 337 trees divided into 93 species.
The party was created in the 1930s, and today it is an event as popular as the Nice Carnival and the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix. The party has no equivalent in the world, the originality of the parades consists of the decoration of the cars with all their monumental structure, made solely and exclusively with citrus fruits. In the grounds of Jardim Biovès, the giant motifs of lemons and oranges form a fortnight of paintings with a different theme each year.
The construction of the cars and all the decoration mobilizes more than 300 people, including farmers, gardeners, designers and metallurgists. There are 130 tons of citrus for the party.
At the end, all citruses are resold to the population at low prices for the manufacture of jams, jams, syrups and orange wine. The LEMON FEST is celebrated annually and in 2016 the 83rd party will take place from February 13 to March 2, with no defined theme yet.
Well folks, after this trip through our imagination, there is the desire to know this Paradise and make our trip a reality.

Here is the video with the beautiful images of this event. Have fun!!!
Finally we go to the recipe, which will be a "Confiture de Citron", and guess what? Yes, of course, in very easy Portuguese pronunciation - Lemon Jelly. I'm not a fan of jellies but this one is special and I fell in love. It has an intense aroma and flavor, hard to resist.
4 organic lemons
2 cups water
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
200 gr of sugar
Way of doing:
Put three lemons to a boil in a pot of water. (Take care that they are completely submerged).

Cook them for 10 min counting from the moment the water starts to boil. After 10 min, discard the water and repeat the operation. Once cool, slice them taking care not to leave any seeds. After sliced, take to the fire with the 2 cups of water and the sugar, add the zest of the fourth lemon and leave on the fire for 30 min. or even acquire the consistency of jelly. Add the lemon juice and stir for another 3 minutes and voilá !! Sensational!!!!
Tip: An idea from my brother, in addition to serving in ice cream, cakes, pies, bread, try making a cheese sandwich with this jelly in the sandwich maker, the melted cheese melts with the flavor of jelly ........ Really delicious. Make and restrain yourself to eat a single sandwich.
You can also put the jam on a turkey breast: before finishing the roast, brush it generously with the jam. It is sensational !!!
Good afternoon people!!
As I promised, my intention is to take a trip to all corners of the planet and get to know a little about the culture, habits and flavors. I wondered where we were going, and casually, I looked at the map and talked to myself: this is it. Then I realized that I had chosen Afghanistan, a country that I believe, very few of us know. Today (10/26) at the time of compiling the researched material, I decided to take one last look

on the Internet and I was heartbroken when I came across the news of an earthquake that hit other countries in South Asia, but whose epicenter was exactly in Afghanistan. After so many years of war and death of soldiers and civilians, the troops of the United States are still part of the scene of that country, already so worn out and suffering that at that moment they bravely face yet another tragedy. For some, the suffering seems to have no end, and one overlaps the other, but despite all this it is a people who have a kindness and a sense of hospitality unmatched. It is considered as one of the most beautiful in the world - the harmony of the movements, the colors of the fabrics grant this instinctive dignity to the shepherds and nomads. And however humble and poor they may be, they always show and demonstrate to visitors an indescribable generosity and courtesy, proving that time and difficulties have not changed their values.

Afghan cuisine is the result of a mixture of diverse cultures and traditions as it is located on the Silk Road, thus receiving a strong influence from China and India.
The hard life, the rugged reliefs, the harsh winters and the weather conditions make life in this country very difficult, making man find himself facing a hostile nature, facing the elements that constantly change the environment. This strong and untamed nature and the comets that abound the sky in Afghanistan, makes man turn to the deities and get closer to God. The man prays to the gods that it will rain in the spring, in the summer, he continues to beg the heavens to grant him a good harvest and, in short, he prolongs his prayers so that in the winter his lean flock is spared, thus ensuring the milk and cheese. In fact, in the winter the roads are closed, the towns and villages are isolated, excluded from the world for months. Under these conditions, man is unable to kill his hunger. The family circle, the clan, the village, the valley and the ethnic group acquire all their importance. So this man who lives in these harsh conditions, is led to believe in the strength of the ele-
ments. Based on these inclement weather, foods are divided into two categories, those consumed in the winter such as bread, cheese, dried fruits as they are more caloric foods and those consumed in the summer: cabbages, turnips, onions, eggplants, not forgetting, of course, tea and rice that are consumed throughout the year.
Afghans believe that food is a very important element in nature, and that according to the ingredients they can produce heat, cold or neutralize the temperature of the human body. They have a great respect for food and have essential foods that have meanings in certain situations, for example, to pass or step on a piece of bread, is considered a sin. Creativity is also a very important characteristic in the kitchen, since the dishes can be improved depending on the taste and imagination of each person. One of the most important things with reference to food culture is that everyone should be satisfied and satisfied at the end of a meal.
Knowing Afghan cuisine means wanting to travel through simple, inviting, and colorful flavors. It seduces by the simplicity and use of seasonal products. The preparation of meals and the moment to share them, are part of the daily life of Afghans, moments that passed with joy and that is part of the cultural heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. Passion, knowledge, respect for tradition and local products, making the most modest ingredients, the most harmonious dishes in combination with spices, are undoubtedly the words that best define Afghan cuisine.

The Afghans' food consists basically of three main meals: breakfast, which consists of tea, milk, jam and bread, lunch of a frugal meal, but at dinner the meals are longer and fuller: rice, bread, meat (the more affluent) and to drink tea or a drink based on yogurt, cucumber and mint and for dessert fresh fruits, and at the end tea accompanied by dried fruits. The cuisine varies from place to place, but some products are used throughout the country, such as coriander, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes and fresh and dried fruits (grapes, pomegranates, apricots and plums). In herbs we find dried mint, saffron, coriander (grain), salt, cinnamon, pepper and garam masala.
Families have the habit of sharing meals on the floor around a white dish, and some of the most common dishes are: rice that is always present in the kitchen and that would give such an extensive chapter to such a variety of preparation. It exists from white rice - Chalaw, to Kabuli Palaw - rice made with raisins, carrots and lamb, a popular dish on feast days to welcome guests.

The Bandjan Bourani - very simple and tasty recipe based on eggplant, red pepper garnished with yogurt and mint. We can say that it resembles ratatouille.
Mantou - dough filled with meat of long preparation for special occasions.
Achak Afghan - pasta stuffed with leek, similar to ravioli, also a dish of long preparation. It can be steamed or fried, served with fresh cream or yogurt.
Boulani - types of crepe garnished with leek, the garnish can be replaced by potatoes or carrots, it is not a meal, but a very nutritious dish.
One of the typical foods is Qrouti, very simple and is summarized in a piece of bread with a piece of Qrout - dry cheese made from cow's milk in the shape of a ball, plus onion and dried mint. It is simple, but it represents this country well, as it is a crude dish as well as the peasant spirit of this people and at the same time sweet and sensitive.
Well folks, after this quick trip through Afghanistan, I did some research and as I love eggplant, I decided to make the recipe in the photo above, which is very easy and extremely tasty. Now that we have a little knowledge and we know that the ingredients that we will use are part of our day to day, we can only embark on another adventure and enjoy this flavor, and believe me, it is very, very delicious !!!
Eggplant with dry curd
1 chopped onion
1 eggplant with peel
2 medium tomatoes, chopped without seeds
1 bell pepper cut into thin slices in the longitudinal direction
4 tablespoons of olive oil
250 grams of dry curd
salt to taste
fresh coriander
Way of doing:
Wash and cut the eggplants into cubes and season with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a little salt. Bake 180º in a greased baking sheet for 40 min. Meanwhile heat the remaining oil and fry the onion until it is golden brown, add the

sliced peppers and sauté for a few minutes, add the tomatoes and stir from time to time until the water is dry. Finally add the eggplants and stir from time to time until the liquid evaporates. Turn off and add the cilantro. When serving, drizzle with olive oil, place the yogurt in the center and garnish with cilantro.

Note: Before serving, season the dry curd with salt, olive oil, fresh or dried mint leaves. Serve with foil rolled in straws, toast or as your imagination allows. Today we already find this bread in packages with 10 very practical and delicious circles.
Post Published on 29/20/2016
Welcome to my first post, which obviously could not fail to be a recipe from our immense Brazil. And what state could be so strong and represent our traditions, roots, colors, flavors so well than Bahia? Among the countless recipes that take us back to our roots, I chose one that combines extremely with the photo we see below. Sun, beach, coconut trees and beaches that are lost from our sight, a rustic kiosk, a very cold beer and of course, a crab cone: creamy, spicy and toasted. Is there anything better than eating what we like and how we like it, even more if we are in a paradise like this?


The crab cone is extremely easy and fast, and certainly pleases many palates. It is worth remembering that the main ingredient of any recipe is the quality of the product we use, and that if we sometimes turn a blind eye to this detail, we can lose our recipe. Let's try, how about? Take care when buying the crab meat to know if it is 100% pure so as not to compromise the flavor of the dish, as many brands mix fish with crab meat and depending on the fish the flavor will be well altered, since the crab meat has a extremely delicate flavor. Another secret is a palm from a good source and that is pure, so check the label. Well, after all this preamble we go to the recipe in fact.
500 gr crab meat
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 glass of coconut milk
1 stale French bread
2 small onions, thinly sliced
2 chili peppers (optional)
4 tablespoons of palm oil (if you find it too strong, use one and top it with regular oil)
2 tablets of shrimp broth
1 tablespoon tomato paste (optional, just to add color, mine doesn't have because I used a lot of palm oil)
coriander at will.
2 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons parmesan
Way of doing:
Defrost the crab meat, place it in a colander, wash and drain well. Reserve.
Mix half of the coconut milk and an equal part of boiling water, add the shrimp broth tablets and pour on top of the sliced French bread.
Heat the palm, place the sliced onion, add a pinch of salt to speed up the onion frying process and let it brown. Add the drained crab meat with the tomato extract and sauté it quickly. Process the bread mixture together with the rest of the coconut milk, and add to the crab, add the coconut oil, chopped chili pepper and finally the chopped cilantro. If the mixture is too thick, add more coconut milk, it should be pasty, but not dry, as it will still be browned.
Mix the parmesan with the flour.
Place portions of the dough in cones or ramekin or a refractory and sprinkle with the mixture of parmesan and flour, add half a spoonful of butter on top of each cone and bake in the oven to brown. Serve with slices of lemon, and of course a very cold beer.


Good afternoon people!!!
I was here researching an article for the blog and I thought: how about doing something very easy for the afternoon snack? I tried this cake once at a friend's house in the interior of Minas Gerais and she gave me the recipe, but of course, I made some small changes. It is a very easy and quick recipe and you will see it, you will see it, because the aroma of cheese mixed with cornmeal is so intense, that the aroma is transformed into vision. Nothing like receiving someone we like with a warm cake with cheese spreading on the plate, right? Enjoy it, you guys will definitely love it.

4 eggs
1 cup (tea) milk
1/2 cup (tea) oil
1 cup (tea) grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cup (tea) fine cornmeal
1 tablespoon cornstarch
salt to taste
black pepper (optional)
1 tablespoon yeast
500 grams of sliced or grated Minas Padrão cheese
in the thick drain (or another preferably, I advise not only to use a cheese that melts very easily and that releases a lot of fat when heated).
seedless tomatoes wheels
Way of doing
Beat all the ingredients in a blender, leaving the baking powder last. Grease a rectangular baking dish with butter and sprinkle with cornmeal. Pour half of the dough, put the filling, pour the rest of the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 180º to 200º, until it is colored.
Note: see that the oven time depends on the size of the pan, the intensity of the fire, so the references are always approximate. When it comes to putting the rest of the dough on the filling, don't worry if it doesn't cover the filling well, the cake will grow, surrounding the whole filling.
The filling (quantity) can be at will, for example, I love it with a lot, a lot of cheese, so you can abuse it. Oregano, basil, olives and tomatoes are also free or optional as you wish. Of course, I even added pepperoni.
You can also add ham, turkey breast or replace Minas Padrão with a half-cured cheese, or even rennet cheese.
There is also another suggestion that I want to mention to you. They can be filled with more than one type of cheese, or even put 1 cup of curd or sour cream without whey, or even ricotta cream or cream cheese with spoonfuls and finally the dough. I really can't say which is the best suggestion, but you will suddenly have that little jar of cottage cheese or ricotta cream in the refrigerator, right?
It is great if you substitute oil for olive oil. Hummmm !!!
The idea of this cake is that it does not get too high to guarantee the moisture in the filling.
I’m going to give you another variation of blender quick dough, also excellent, some people don’t like cornmeal, right?
Mass variation:
2 cups (tea) wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
100 gr grated cheese
2 cups (tea) milk
3 eggs
1/2 cup (tea) oil
1/2 cup (tea) olive oil
Beat the liquid ingredients first, then add the rest, leaving the yeast last. Use a baking sheet, pour the dough, filling and dough and place in a preheated 200 degree oven.
Post Posted on 09/10/2015

Today I’m going to give you a very healthy recipe, and at the same time we’re going on a trip to South America, but I emphasize that it isn’t a Peruvian recipe, but the main ingredient is from Peru, which we have been using for over 5,000 years BC. The Aymara people said:
"Quinoa is life
Quinoa is hope
The quinoa is past and present
Quinoa is the future of humanity "
We will transport ourselves to these people who left us
this rich legacy listening to the legend about the origin of Quinua
and at the same time knowing a little more about their
nutritional values and properties.
It may be that in the photo above you cannot see
but I shared my recipe and made half with mucare-
buffalo and the other half with goat cheese, you know
well, when making food for different tastes we need to please all palates.
Way of doing:
Preheat the oven 350º
Heat the sauce and bring to a boil, add the cream, parmesan, pepper and salt. Remove from the heat and add the quinoa, the cheeses and half the tomatoes cut in half. Add the herbs, grease a refractory and place the quinoa. Spread the rest of the cheeses, decorate with the rest of the whole tomatoes and add more herbs if you want. Bake for 15 min to brown.
2 cups of cooked quinoa (I used the white one, it has less calories)
1 cup of tomato sauce
1/3 cup (tea) of sour cream (fresh, can or box ) - be careful not to leave it if you don't use the fresh one
1/2 cup (grated) parmesan cheese (reserve a part for co-
place on top)
1 cup of buffalo mozzarella (reserve a part to put on top)
200 gr sweet tomato
Basil, rosemary and oregano
black pepper (optional)

Today I am going to teach you something very, very easy, but it is not something that you can experience as fast as you do.
It is a canned lemon which is widely used in several countries like Cambodia, Palestine, India, Morocco, etc ... The one I am teaching today is a typical Jerusalem recipe, but almost all are the same except for one herb here, a spice over there, they are all irresistible. I confess to you that I am not a fan of the lemon flavor standing out in some dishes or snacks, but this canning is an explosion of flavors and aromas and has a thousand and one ways to use it.

6 limões sicilianos
6 colheres(sopa) de sal marinho ou sal Rosa do Himalaia
2 ramos de alecrim
1 pimenta vermelha grande (opcional)
suco de 6 limões
azeite de oliva
Modo de fazer:
Lave os limões e deixe-os secar naturalmente.
Faça um corte em cruz, porém sem chegar à base dos limões.
Recheie cada um deles com uma colher de sopa de sal e coloque em um vidro.
Pressione-os bem para que fiquem bem espremidos e liberem um pouco de suco.
Feche o vidro e deixe por uma semana em lugar protegido da claridade.
Após uma semana, abra o vidro, torne a pressionar o limão, acrescente o alecrim, pimenta, suco de limão e um pouco de azeite.
Feche o vidro novamente e deixe descansar por mais 3 semanas, quanto mais tempo ficar mais sabor terá, eu usei uma semana depois e o sabor já estava incrível.
Obs.: Colocar em vidro esterilizado

Hey guys,
I made this cake for my mother's birthday, and I must say that I am not at all inclined to make sweets, cakes, or anything sweet, but as I committed myself, I went to make the saying on the cake. I chose a very old recipe from my mother's notebook and the cake grew which is a beauty, but when it was time to cut and stuff it, I ended up smashing it up. I wanted to cry, even because it was almost 5:00 pm and inside you know, you know, we don't have candy shops available anytime. I thought quickly, and imagined that I could reassemble it and that's exactly what I did, and it's not that the darn thing was pretty and really, really, really tasty, with a lot of whipped cream, strawberry and crumbly sigh to cover up the poor guy's ups and downs.
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 cups (tea) wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup (tea) oil
1 cup (tea) milk
Way of doing:
Whisk the liquid ingredients in the blender, then gradually add the flour and sugar. Finally add the baking powder, pulse and turn off.
Grease a rectangular or round shape with oil and flour,
pour the dough and bake in a preheated oven. As soon as it is red, put a toothpick on the cake, if it comes out clean, it is ready. Let cool.
Stuffing and coverage
Fresh whipped cream with sugar in a whipped cream consistency.
2 strawberry boxes, cut into large pieces, reserving the larger ones for decoration
1 packet of sighs
Use a lightly greased removable ring shape
Go putting the pieces of cake, or what is left of it, that is, crumbled or in pieces. Lightly press the pieces together. Spread whipped cream to taste, strawberries, crumbly sighs, and repeat the operation until finished. Cover with whipped cream, decorate with the remaining strawberries and sigh whole or crumbly to taste. Take the pan covered with magipack to the fridge or as in my case due to unscheduled damage, to the freezer. There, you will have a sensational cake, with the acid of the strawberry, the creaminess of the whipped cream and the sigh that will be soaked in the juice that will naturally come off the strawberry.
You can use a apricot compote lightly processed after ready, maraschino cherries, you can also moisten with syrup made with jelly diluted in a little water on the fire, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of liquor, or even mix several spoonfuls of sweet milk, in short, give your personality to everything you do, many times or even often you can be sure that it will look better than what I showed you.


Good night people,
Despite this cold night today, I will suggest something quick and extremely fresh, suitable for tasting on hot summer days: the Caprese Salad, but with an Olive Tapenade, so our tour will be in Italy and France, let's go then start in Italy, remembering that this recipe is a variation of the traditional Caprese Salad, which is part of the Neapolitan cuisine and whose name is derived from the Island of Capri.

Then we embarked for France, more precisely in Marseille, where the Tapenade was invented by chef Meynier in 1880. The name tapenade comes from the caper, which is the second main element of the recipe, and its name comes from the word "tapena" in Occitan (a language spoken in the south of France that influenced modern Provencal). Well now, let's go to the recipe.

1 large persimmon tomato
½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 pinch of salt
Basil to taste
Buffalo mozzarella slices (enough)
1 pinch of salt
Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
½ cup of black olives
1 teaspoon of balsamic aceto or lemon juice
3 teaspoons of olive oil
½ anchovy fillet (soaked)
How to do it: Start by cutting the tomato as if you were going to slice it, but without reaching the base, turn it upside down to drain on a paper towel. In the processor place the basil leaves, together with the olive oil and process.
For the tapenade: Put the ingredients back in the processor and pulse until they come apart, remove and set aside.
Assembly: Unload the tomato, place buffalo mozzarella slices between the tomato slices, pour the basil oil on top and place the tapenade on top of it, grind the black pepper and decorate with basil leaves.
And voilá. Delicious, serve with slices of Italian bread so that you can soak it in olive oil. The tapenade, if left over serve with chips, which is also a and x Celente option for an aperitif.
Post Posted on 14/09/2015

Today our tour is in West Africa where our recipe comes from. It is extremely healthy and for those who read the post about lentils you will love it, because one of its benefits is due to its high protein content, which helps in the weight loss process.
You will ask: - what about peanut butter? Peanut butter also has protein and its fat is great for the heart, and as it is rich in fiber it is ideal for those who exercise a lot. Guys, detail, please: INTEGRAL PEANUT BUTTER - no sugar, in other words, peanuts, peanuts and peanuts, that's all.
Let's go quickly to COCONUT MILK: rich in saturated fat (good), it serves as fuel for the body which transforms it into energy, and besides increasing satiety, it helps in reducing cholesterol among other things. The good thing would be to make our own coconut milk, wouldn't it? But we will combine, as it is laborious and requires time, we will use the industrialized one.

When they are doing it, they will feel various types of aroma, first that of the onion becoming brown then changing its usual aroma, then when we add spices and aromas to invade the kitchen and finally when we incorporate coconut milk and peanut butter. Guys, it makes you want to dive, drop into the pan. Just by making and eating, I guarantee, for sure, that it is sensational.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Red lentil with peanut butter and coconut
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (or olive oil)
1 medium onion
2 chopped peppers
2 medium chopped carrots
1 piece of chopped or grated ginger (approximately 2 to 3 cm)
2 chopped red peppers (optional, or if you want less spicy remove the seeds)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika (or common)
1 teaspoon of cumin grains
1 teaspoon of turmeric (turmeric)

520 grams of tomato puree (equivalent to a box)
1 cup of water (approximately)
Salt to taste
1 cup of red lentil tea (soak for 20 minutes and cook for 10 minutes after boiling), drain
¼ cup of whole peanut butter tea
2 glasses of coconut milk
roasted peanuts or peanut butter
chopped coriander
finely chopped red pepper
sour cream or plain yogurt
Way of doing:
Heat the coconut oil and fry the onion over medium heat until it turns brown (this process takes an average of 10 minutes).
Add the pepper, cinnamon, paprika, cumin, saffron and let the spices fry for another 1 minute over medium heat, always stirring so as not to burn.
Then add the peppers, carrots, ginger, wrapping the vegetables in the spices, stirring from time to time until they are tender.

Add the tomato puree, water and lentil. Cover the pan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally to avoid sticking, for approximately 30 minutes.
After that time and with the mixture reduced to almost a puree (photo on the left side), add the coconut milk and peanut butter, stir until all the ingredients are added and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat and leave for 10 minutes to that the flavors melt and the peanut butter melts completely.
Before serving, garnish with peanuts, coriander, pepper and a drizzle of sour cream or plain yogurt (optional).
Tip: if you want you can add 1 cup of diced sweet potato.