End of the World Cuisine
A cultural and gastronomic journey through the corners of the Earth

Peanut salad with curry leaf dressing
In a ½ tower tablespoon of cumin with ½ cup of curry leaves, add 1 teaspoon of honey, pepperoni to taste, salt to taste, juice of 1 lemon and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Pour this mixture over 2 cups of roasted peanuts and serve.
Thyme and gin lemonade
Put 1 and 1/3 or 1 and 1/2 of sugar according to taste, 1 cup of water, 15 thyme branches and leave on the fire until the sugar has melted. Add 4 cups of water, 2 cups of lemon juice and 1 cup of gin. Take to the refrigerator and after ice cream add ice in low glasses with wide mouth and serve garnished with a branch of thyme.
Rhum tanned in Kaffir leaves
Rhum? Yes, on Rhum:
1 liter of white Rhum
Zestes of a Kaffir file
1 vanilla pod
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
150 gr sugar
Mix everything and let it marcerate for a month, and voilá ...... enjoy it !!!!
Tip: do you want to make a good impression, that flavor that your guests will be racking their brains to guess?
Try using the Kaffir zest emulated with sunflower oil or olive oil to season salads.
What about the drink? What about? Place a few Kaffir lime leaves in a vodka bottle and let it infuse for a month before using.
Rosemary cocktail
Put in a cocktail shaker, a branch of rosemary and bruise, add 15 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of molasses, 30 ml of mango juice, 30 ml of rhum. Mix everything well, pour and pour into a glass of DRY MARTINI.
Perfect love
Add in 1 liter of alcohol (of cereal) 45 degrees, zest of 1 lemon (must be dehydrated), 2 tablespoons of thyme, 1 cinnamon stick, 1/4 of a teaspoon of vanilla essence, 1 spoon of coriander coffee beans, 1 teaspoon of mace (if powdered) or a peel. Cover tightly and let it soak for 6 days in the dark. At the end go through the pan, filter paper and after ice cream add 6 tablespoons of molasses.
Infusion of Vodka, Cardamom and Ginger
This drink is one of the most consumed in Scandinavia.
Put the seeds of 10 cardamom pods, which were previously mashed with the handle of a knife on a wooden board, into a hermetically sealed jar, add 10 thin slices of peeled ginger and 1 and a half cups of vodka. Cover, shake well and store for two weeks in a cool place away from light. Shake every day, at the end strain and transfer to a clean bottle.
Tips: Try chewing some whole grains of cardamom, you will see that the breath will be extremely refreshing, since in India it is

used in the manufacture of toothpaste.
If you store some cardamom berries in the container where you put the coffee powder, you will have a coffee deliciously flavored with an Eastern flavor.
Banana cream
Cut 500 gr of diced banana directly into a wide-mouthed bottle. Add a vanilla bean, ½ liter of 95º cereal alcohol, and let it soak for 8 days. On the eighth day mix 800 gr of sugar
with 3 and a half cups of water, add 1 pinch of saffron and place in the bottle. Mix well and filter. Leave another 10 days, filter again

fe, and leave another 2 months in a dry, dark place before consuming.
For hair loss
In half a liter of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Boil for 15 minutes and keep covered until cool. Strain and use this reduction on the scalp after washing, using 2-3 times a week for a period of 3 months.
Note: it is recommended to avoid its use during pregnancy.
Try and hope it works, anyway there are many references about the effectiveness of this spice in combating hair loss. Good luck and tell me !!!!
Beer with coriander syrup
Bring to a low heat, 2 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat, add ½ cup of coriander in grains, zest of 2 oranges, cover, let cool and strain. At the time of serving, fill 8 glasses with ice, share the orange juice with the cilantro between them and complete with pale lager 2 to 3 beer (approximately 1 liter). The syrup can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Wash the fig and let it immerse in water for a few minutes, after drying it gently, and even more delicately, lightly rub paper towels to remove the product that remains on the fruit's peel. The ideal would be to use the organic.
Cut them in half, put a little oil in a frying pan, (very little, use a paper towel so that the frying pan is lightly greased) and place the figs in such a way that the skin is facing upwards.
After leaving it for a few minutes, add a spoon or two of balsamic aceto and let the fig absorb the liquid. It will look like caramelized. Place the figs on a serving platter or directly on the dishes to serve, drizzle them with honey, add the crumbled goat cheese and decorate with sprigs of rosemary. You can add arugula, or even Parma, it will give incredibly contrasting flavors and it will certainly be a dip in the flavors of the Mediterranean. Enjoy it !!!


In a non-stick pan, heat 2 tablespoons of oil well and place a chicken fillet seasoned only with salt. After a few minutes turn the heat down, cover the pan and wait to grill. Remove and set aside. In that same degluting pan, add 3 tablespoons of fresh cream, ¼ coffee spoon of turmeric and ¼ coffee spoon of mustard. Stir well removing all the flavor from the bottom of the pan and afterwards, pour this thick and tasty sauce over the sliced breast. Note: if you want you can add ¼ teaspoon of powdered ginger.
Good night people!!
I was thinking of something easy and light for dinner that was also a vegetarian dish. I figured: why not Zucchini (it's more chic) right? If we speak zucchini, many people will immediately say: - I hate it, so who knows the word in Italian, improve the image of this vegetable a little.
I will classify it as lightning recipe, because it is very fast and practically doesn't even have a recipe, it's another idea, come on?

4 small zucchinis washed and dried
salt to taste
dehydrated herbs: rosemary, fine herbs, oregano, basil, etc ..... or whatever they have.
cherry tomatoes to taste, washed and dry
Way of doing:
Cut the zucchinis in a mandolin in the longitudinal direction and grill the slices in a non-stick frying pan and arrange them in an ovenproof dish. (You can overlap the slices).
In the same frying pan add oil (do not skimp) and add the cherry tomatoes until they start to wilt and toast, then add the dehydrated herbs together with a little salt and turn the frying pan quickly and pour this mixture over the zucchinis. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and bake 180º for 20 min. approximately or until the cheese melts.
Variation: In place of parmesan, place spoonfuls of cottage cheese, or crumble ricotta. Enjoy your food!!!!

Published on 11/13/2015
Hey guys!!
Our!! I don't even recognize myself because I am so light !!! Let's go and come, this story of steamed vegetables, help .............. is something totally tasteless, and honestly, I don't even want to eat. Food has to have color, flavor, texture and attractive aroma, it must mess with all our senses. We should feel pleasure when eating, so let's change, dare and innovate, using things we have and transforming simple vegetables into a more tasty, colorful and much tastier dish. Actually, this is not really a recipe, but a suggestion, a idea, where you can put whatever you like.
Tomatoes (more green than ripe)

Sweet potato
Dehydrated herbs (basil, parsley, thyme, fine herbs, rosemary, oregano, etc ...)
Way of doing:
With the exception of the first three ingredients that should be cut into thicker slices, the rest should be cut into thin slices.
Arrange them in an ovenproof dish, alternating them according to the variety you have chosen. (See photo below).
In a frying pan put enough oil to water the vegetables, so the amount of oil will depend on the amount of vegetables they will make. Heat well, turn off and add the dehydrated herbs, add or omit, add whatever pleases most to each person's palate. (Those who like it can add garlic on thin sheets).

At this point, I open a parenthesis: Pay attention to the aroma that will come off the pot as soon as you add the herbs, the neighbors will knock on your door, because that aroma will surely awaken anyone's sense.
Once this is done, water the vegetables, cover with aluminum foil and bake until the thickest slices are cooked, after removing the foil, increase the temperature and let it lightly toast the surface.
Note: These vegetables can accompany meat, fish or poultry if the idea is to serve a more complete meal.

3 tablespoons of Hibiscus flowers
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 coffee spoon of strawberry essence
some mint leaves
1.5 liter of water
sugar to taste

How to do it: Boil the water with the hibiscus for 25 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the mint leaves and let it steep (leave covered) for about 15 minutes. After that time add the sugar, the essences and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Serve well chilled.
Optional: you can add 1 pinch of grated nutmeg and 2 tablespoons of orange blossom water before taking it to the refrigerator.

Karkanji - Chad (Africa)
1 liter of water
4 tablespoons of hibiscus flowers
5 cm of washed and sliced ginger
4 clove teeth
1 cinnamon stick
sugar to taste
Boil water, turn off and add hibiscus, cloves and cinnamon. Cover and let cool completely. Strain and sweeten.
Serve hot or cold.
Hibiscus with vodka and citrus
4 cups of water
8 tablespoons of hibiscus flowers
1 3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons of orange juice
1 cup of vodka
Mix water, sugar and hibiscus and bring to medium heat and boil until the sugar dissolves.
Allow the mixture to cool for 25 minutes then add the lemon juice and vodka.
Strain the mixture and serve well chilled.

Kardadé - Egypt
1 tablespoon of hibiscus flower
1/2 liter of water
sugar to taste
Boil the water, turn off and add the hibiscus, letting it stand for 10 minutes. After straining, reserve the liquid and process the strained flowers together with 1/4 liter of cold water. Strain again and add this extract to the previous mixture. Take the refrigerator and serve extremely cold.

Hibiscus Sangria
2 tablespoons of hibiscus flowers
1 liter of water
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 chopped orange in 4 (or tangerine)
1 small sliced banana
1 chopped apple
1 chopped kiwi
1 cinnamon stick
1 vanilla bean (or a few drops of essence)
Boil the water, add the hibiscus and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After that time, strain, add the orange (or tangerine), the apple, the banana and the Kiwi. Then add the vanilla bean (or essence), cinnamon and sugar.
Serve well chilled.
Variation: if you want to make it alcoholic, add 1 glass of White Rhum.

Now I'm going to give you a simple but effective tip. Make ice with the hibiscus flowers and use it to taste the water that will serve to your guests by placing the ice cubes in a jar, transparent, clear, very nice

OK. What about? Or, they can make lemonade with lemon: like the one in the photo below and add ice cubes with hibiscus to give it a special charm.

Weekend is coming and we shouldn't lose focus on healthy and refreshing food, so how about "cucumber"? "Take cucumber"? Yea!! It is to be taken in small and small cups like the image on the side, using creativity when decorating: cherry tomatoes, mint, rosemary or even passing the rim of the glass in lemon and then in salt, anything goes to give an extra charm , and believe me, it’s very tasty. Serve as a starter or as an aperitif. Be sure to follow the post about the properties, and some very interesting stories about the cucumber.

1 jar of low-fat yogurt
1 cucumber (Japanese), peeled and seeded (if organic, do not peel)
Mint leaves - washed and dried
Zest and Juice of 1/2 lemon (preferably Sicilian)
Black pepper (optional)
Way of doing:
Let the yogurt drip through a sieve for approximately 3 hours in the refrigerator, after that time put it in a blender together with the cucumber, mint leaves and a pinch of salt. Taste the salt, correct if necessary, add half a lemon juice and beat again.
Serve well chilled in small cups, drizzled with a drizzle of olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, and lemon zest.
Note: if you want you can still grind a pinch of Himalaya Pink Salt or fleur de sel over each cup before serving.