End of the World Cuisine
A cultural and gastronomic journey through the corners of the Earth

Our chief ingredient today is Quinoa. I purposely left it written with both "u" and "o", because both ways are correct, written with "u" comes from Quechua or Quechua (an indigenous language spoken in South America until today).
Although it is small grains it is not a cereal, but it is as healthy as, or even more, as it is considered a "super food".
Cereal or not, it is versatile, tasty and an almost complete food. Let's read?

Quinua - Chenopodium quinoa
Quinoa is a small grain full of properties, and it is a pseudo cereal, since it has all the nutrients of a cereal, however, it actually belongs to the same family as spinach and beets.
Cultivated in South America by the Andean population, it is also currently cultivated in the United States and Canada, among others. The United Nations (UN) placed the quinoa in place of honor in 2013, declaring it the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF QUINUA, which was even the subject of a World Congress in Ecuador.
A little bit of history: The Inca people called it "chisiya mama" which means in Quechua language "mother of all grains". For them, the quinoa was a sacred plant and the Inca emperor was the one who sowed the first grains every year, using a golden utensil. Research indicates that it began to be cultivated more than 5,000 years ago in Peru. It is around Lake Titicaca that the greatest diversity of this plant is found. Because it is a rustic plant, it is capable of resisting in extremely rough conditions at altitudes ranging from 0 to 4,000 meters.
Its colors vary from green, orange and pink to red, irregular or not, reflections of these diversities.
Most of the production, however, has cream-white grains after washing. Washing is a fundamental step to get rid of the saponin that protects them, which at the same time gives it a bitter characteristic.
In the kitchen: The grains can be used in salads, or prepared in the same way as rice, and can also substitute wheat flour for 1/5 of the total weight to be used, in order not to lose elasticity, in this case we will use the quinoa flour. You can successfully substitute wheat in tabbouleh, in soups, in stuffed vegetables, as an accompaniment in meat and fish dishes, gratin, hamburger, crumble, or whatever else your imagination allows.
Flavor: The color of the quinoa reveals its flavor: those of a pale, cream color, have a sweet and less pronounced nutty flavor than the red and black.
Medicinal Properties: The grains are rich in protein, that is, 12 to 20% of their dry weight depending on the varieties, and 3 to 5 grams for 100 grams once cooked, this means that it is richer than rice and pastas. This protein is of excellent quality and is recommended for vegetarians or people who want to limit meat consumption without unbalancing their diet. The quinoa grain is rich in vitamin B, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements (iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium).
Quinoa is good for controlling the glycemic index of meals, increases the feeling of satiety and stimulates intestinal transit. Since it does not contain gluten, it is recommended for celiacs, who may have greater diversity in their diet without risk of deficiencies. Quinoa can be found in grains, flakes or flour, and although we use it more to replace rice, in Andean cuisine quinoa is used, especially to enrich soups and cakes.
Conservation: in closed containers protected from light.
I leave you with a video that narrates the Legend of Quinua of the Aymara people, I hope you will be moved just like me.
Post Posted 05/05/2016
Lentils are a legume originating in the Middle East and one of the oldest foods grown by man. There are several types of this legume that can vary in size, shape and color. In the photos of this Post we have the yellow, red or coral, the brown and the beluga or black, remembering that the red lentil is considered among the legumes as the most easily digestible. Although grown in countless countries, India, Turkey and Canada are now the top three producers in the world.
A little history: Traces of its use have been found in prehistory in China, India and Asia Minor. Archaeologists assumed that it was the main food of the pyramid builders.

Egypt, which were also deposited in tombs to satisfy the hunger of the dead during the course of their journey.
There is a passage in the Old Testament that tells that Isaú, Abraham's grandson returning from a hungry hunt, sold his birthright to his brother Jacob in exchange for a (red) lentil dish. This passage symbolizes the superiority of the farmer over the hunter. Documents also prove that the Assyrians also knew it and were cultivated in the famous Hanging Gardens. Pliny's writings make reference to the existence of a recipe based on mashed lentils dating from the 4th century BC In Rome it was considered poor food and was part of the meetings between peasants. It was only at the end of the Middle Ages that it began to be consumed, appearing in Europe through the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans.

In the kitchen: Lentils should always be washed under running water and when left to soak, water should be discarded. In the case of red and yellow, which are quick and easy to cook, they do not need to be soaked.
Tip: When cooking traditional lentils in the pressure cooker, in order to avoid foaming and subsequent clogging of the valve in the pressure cooker, add a little oil to the cooking water.
Lentils can be used in soups, purees, salads, vegetarian hamburgers, etc. It is consumed in many countries in the east: Dhal - India, Moujadara - Lebanon, Harira - Morocco, Majadra - Israel, and so on.
It combines very well with a wide variety of spices: turmeric; coriander and cumin in grain; ginger; fresh coriander; coconut milk; Tomato Sauce; finally, experiment and make your own alchemy.
I cannot forget to mention that in India we still have, not unfortunately here, lentil flour, widely used in sauces, breads, sweets and in the famous and crispy pappadums.
Flavor: sweet and refreshing reminiscent of chestnut
Medicinal Properties: Rich in fiber, prevents heart disease and because it has important amounts of folic acid and magnesium, it helps to protect the heart;
assists in the weight loss process due to the presence of vegetable protein;
decreases the risk of colorectal cancer due to its insoluble fibers;
assists in the development and maintenance of bones due to the presence of iron and phosphorus;

protects cells against aging as they contain antioxidants;
its fibers assist in the normalization of the blood sugar rate;
for vegetarians it is an excellent iron strength
Summary: getting into the habit of consuming lentils is a guarantee of a healthy and balanced diet.
Conservation: In hermetically sealed pots protected from light and moisture.
Curiosity: Why eat lentils on New Year's Eve?
According to what I researched, although of course, there are always controversies, this legend is originally from Italy. It is said that this tradition comes from the habit of offering a small bag of grains at the passing of the year, wishing each one that these small grains could be transformed into money, thus bringing prosperity. True or not, it is that we incorporate this tradition in our end of the year suppers, even if sometimes it does not work.
Post Published on 19/04/2016
Zucchini: know what else it can do for our health
Hey guys!!!
One more healthy ingredient that I believe, after reading it, will have enough reasons to introduce it into your eating habits.
Scientific name: cucurbita pepo
Zucchini is, like tomato, considered a vegetable fruit that belongs to the cucurbitaceae family.

A little history: In the Paleolithic period, wild pumpkins, ancestors of zucchini, were consumed by nomads in Central America, between Mexico and Guatemala. It was cultivated by the people of southern Mexico and served as containers, as well as for its nutritious seeds (since at that time they had almost no meat).
It was in the 16th century that the Spanish conquistadors discovered the askutasquash of the Indians of the New World. They quickly enjoyed the taste and took the beans to Europe in the Botanical Gardens in order to study them before starting to grow them. After 400 years of its discovery, numerous varieties have been developed, and each country has selected a crop adapting to its climate and cuisine.
In Brazil we find two varieties: the girl (Cucurbita moschata) and the Italian, which is what we are referring to.
In the kitchen: It can be cooked in water, but preferably in steam in order to preserve all minerals. It is also advisable to eat them raw, so that you can make the most of your vitamins and trace elements.
We can also make them grilled or roasted with olive oil and herbs, or raw (grated) in salads, or even as spaghetti (just use a grater, there are several available on the market). We can also use it in fillings, omelets, au gratin with cheese, in cakes, breads, Moroccan couscous, etc.
Flavor: Light and delicate
Medicinal Properties: One of its components is rutin or vitamin P, which helps in the treatment of intraocular tension. Rutin also helps to decrease bad cholesterol (LDL).
Zucchini has an excellent source of fiber effective in intestinal transit and is recommended for people who have gastritis and ulcers. It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as Potassium, already mentioned above, which is also a vitamin that is also efficient for cardiovascular health. We also highlight vitamin C that prevents diseases such as scurvy and sclerosis.

It assists in weight loss due to its combination with high fiber and moisture content and a low caloric value, that is, in every 100 grams we have only 15 Kcal.
Prevents cancer: due to the presence of some antioxidants, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and carotenoids, they help to combat the harmful effects of free radicals, thus helping to prevent some types of cancer. It is particularly effective in Type 2 Diabetes. The B-complex vitamin and the presence of zinc and magnesium helps to reduce the body's sugar, as fiber and pectin are essential to regulate blood sugar.
Summary of its benefits: low cholesterol, aids in weight loss, prevents cancer, benefits diabetics, maintains eye health, lowers blood pressure, benefits prostate health, inflammation of the joints, and the cardiovascular system, hydrates the skin, contributes to the formation of collagen and helps in hair growth.
Conservation: In the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for 4 days. At the time of purchase choose the ones that are very firm and with bright colors.
Post Posted on 12/03/2016
As I posted a recipe with the cucumber just now, so nothing better than to know a little more about it, right? You will learn about his properties, habits and beliefs attributed to him, I would even say, some very bizarre, but no less interesting. For that we will embark on this adventure in a very remote past.
CUCUMBER - cucumis sativus
Cucumber is recognized as one of the best health foods and the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world, however it is more appreciated for its crunchy texture and refreshing taste than for its properties.

Cucumber is a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate food, still having a good source of fiber and vitamins A, B, C and E. It is basically made up of 97% water, which is to say that 100 grams no longer has that 13 calories. As for minerals, it is rich in Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium.
There are several types of cucumber such as: bitter or Goya cucumber, Chinese cucumber, Armenian cucumber, which can reach more than 1 meter in length, mini cucumber, Antillean cucumber or gherkin, etc.
A little bit of history: The cucumber was, for a long time, less known than its cousins: melon, pumpkin and zucchini and, although mentioned in the Buddhist legends with the name of ikschwaku, it has its origin in distant lands.
The cucumber grew in the wild for more than 3,000 years BC at the foot of the Himalayas in India, but over time it has disappeared, and the plant we know today is the product of hybridizations.
Cucumber, also grown on the banks of the Nile and widely consumed by the Egyptians, was among the offerings destined for the gods, as they were already aware of its moisturizing and therapeutic properties using it in compresses on pityriasis, itching and sore eyes.
Adopted by the Hebrews, he gave Solomon youth, strength, Samson and lyricism to David, it was said.
The cucumber was also mentioned in one of the passages in the Bible during the Exodus through Sinai. In this passage the Hebrews complained to Moses: “Who will give us meat to eat? We remember the fish we ate in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks and the onions, but now our soul has dried up: there is nothing but manna before our eyes ”.
Emperor Tiberius discovered it in Jerusalem, took it to Rome where the great cook Apicius prepared it with honey in order to soften his bitterness. This bitter and prickly cucumber was dethroned by the one we consume today: long, straight and smooth, so we no longer need to dip it in sugar, honey, or even milk as we used to do, all of this, thanks to the Dutch.

Some cucumber traditions narrated by Scott Cunningham in the Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs account that, when it rained in Saint-Maurille, cucumbers acquired the power to respond to a woman when questioned, to know whether her husband was faithful or not. For this, the housewife should take the largest and most beautiful cucumber from her garden and, under the rain, she should rub it with the same loofah with which she washed her pots. If the skin, the skin resisted and remained smooth, very shiny and dark green, it meant that her husband was satisfied with her at home and was not after other amorous adventures. But if, after a few rubs, the skin turns light green, be careful: the husband would certainly have another woman in some village in the vicinity.
It is also said that the cucumber for its phallic shape and its numerous seeds was considered as a symbol of abundance and fertility. Still, according to Scott Cunningham, there was a time in the past when each region, or even city, had an infallible recipe for fertility called: “sperm whale cream”, which was made from cucumber and spermaceti (not sperm, but of a similar substance that is found on the head of sperm whales). "Women who are unable to conceive should rub the ointment on the abdomen, waist and thighs."
In the 16th century, it was attributed to him the power to lower the fever: “If a child had a fever, he should sleep with a cucumber whose size was similar to him, so that, during rest, the heat of the fever would pass to the cucumber ".
In Italy, "the little patient was placed in a circle made of cucumbers, so that they would attract all the heat of the fever."
There is also a proven tradition in Lozère between 1914 and 1918, the period of the First World War, which said that if a woman found a person who was going to the market to sell her vegetables and if in the middle of them they had cucumbers, she should give that person any personal object he was using, because without this gesture the seller could be unlucky enough to not find a single buyer for his cucumbers.
In the kitchen: cucumber goes well with vinaigrette, cream, yogurt and in all types of salads and sandwiches. Cooked, can be used in soups, vegetable creams, stuffed and even au gratin and if added to yogurt, you can also add mint, nutmeg, fine herbs and ciboulette.
Properties: With the power to guarantee a healthy skin, it is widely used in cosmetology, entering in the composition of innumerable creams that treat acne and other skin ailments: such as eczema and psoriasis.
As the fibers of the cucumber are present in its peel, it is advisable to always choose the organic ones, since consumed in the form of syrup they clean and purify the organism. For this, it is necessary to grate and mix with a little water and juice of half a lemon.
Another component present is silica, a mineral that has the ability to assist the tissues of the body, strengthening muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bones.

It reduces blood pressure because it contains three important components: magnesium, fiber and potassium. In digestion it fights the acidity of the heavy stomach, so we should not hesitate to consume it, as it will supply us with fibers, water, potassium, magnesium.
Because of its high water content it is considered an excellent diuretic.
One more list of its benefits:
helps in reducing fat, uric acid, maintaining vitality, eliminates toxins and increases the body's defense due to the presence of group B vitamins, mainly B3, B5 and B9, in addition to slowing down skin aging.
However, we must be aware of some contraindications:
it is not recommended for some people, sometimes allergic to a component called cucurbitacin, which can cause poor digestion and gas. Others may show symptoms of allergies to other components present, which may manifest with a swelling in the tongue, throat or mouth. If you have any of these symptoms, it is recommended to reduce your consumption.
Conservation: Five days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. If you keep it in pieces, protect the cut part with plastic wrap.
Lightning recipe: